NDIA working with CDC to bring relief to Dalliwala farmers – NAREI to intensify extension services

The Ministry of Agriculture, through the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) and the National Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) will soon be offering needed assistance to farmers in the riverine community of Dalliwala, Region 10. This development come in wake of farmers indicated that farming in the community has…

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Diversification of Agriculture base high on Brazilian Investors agenda for Guyana’s Intermediate Savannahs -biofuel, glycerin to be produced on large-scale from corn production

Guyana’s Intermediate Savannahs in Region 10 will soon be the hub of agricultural diversification that will see NF Agriculture Inc. in partnership with an international team of investors, plough millions of US dollars into the development of multifaceted agricultural initiatives. The billion-dollar investment into Guyana’s Intermediate Savannahs will see the…

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MOU inked for large-scale investment in Guyana – Brazilian investors eye Intermediate Savannah as next agricultural hub

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was recently inked between NF Agriculture Inc. and investors of Lucas do Rio Verde which will see the commencement of an Agricultural Village in Guyana’s Intermediate Savannah. The Agreement was signed at the Rio Verde Research Foundation in Moto Grosso. The work which is scheduled…

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Minister Holder hands over CRFM Chairmanship – ban on catfish species from Guyana, Caribbean States discussed

MONTSERRAT’s Minister of Agriculture, Trade, Lands, Housing and the Environment, David Osborne Friday assumed the chairmanship of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) during the 12th Meeting of CRFM Ministerial Council in Little Bay, Montserrat. Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder, while delivering his presentation to the delegates attending the ceremony, reflected…

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Agri. Ministry working with farmers’ to improve cost of production – Holder meets with Laluni Farmers

The Ministry of Agriculture has intensified its efforts working along with various farmers’ group to boost Cost of Production. This has seen the Ministry having a dialogue with farmers’ group, looking at ways in which Government can give technical and other assistance. Recently, Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder and a team…

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