Agri. Ministry donates processing equipment to GSA -with the aim of improving school’s agro-processing and commercial production

The Ministry of Agriculture, through the Agriculture Sector Development Unit (ASDU) today donated a number of processing equipment to the Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA) with the aim of improving the school’s agro-processing and commercial production. The items were handed over by Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder and other officials during…

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Several development projects in pipeline for Hope Estate -improved production, productivity to be derived as a result

Rice and Cash crop farmers of the Hope Coconut Estate will soon benefit from enhanced production and productivity as works are slated to commence shortly, to further developed the area into a lucrative agricultural producing area. Among the areas for development, farmers will be benefiting from the construction of the…

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Turmeric production in Region One to be expanded

As part of the spice programme expansion, the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) is prepared to expand the cultivation of turmeric tubers from 20 to 40 acres in Region One. Hinterland regions have been recognized as the most suitable areas for spice cultivation, hence the expansion. Based on…

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