GLDA to ramp up production of black giant chicks

(Source:DPI)   – for coastal and hinterland regions   The Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) will in 2019 ramp up its production of black giant chicks for hinterland and coastal communities. According to Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder the Livestock Development Authority is expected to, “…produce 24,000 chicks for coastal…

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Severed Wales workers to receive pay by weekend

(Source:DPI)   Workers severed by the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) are likely to receive their severance pay by the end of this week. According to Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder, the workers who were severed in 2016 were prevented from receiving their severance pay because of a court action filed…

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Buxton pump to safeguard hundreds of households

(Source:DPI)   – facility will increase drainage coefficient in Buxton/Friendship – capacity to drain 1200 gallons of water per second – 859 households to benefit   More than 5,000 residents, including some 100 farmers, will now sleep easier during the rainy season. This is as a result of a $376.9M pump station at…

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Aquaculture Training underway in Georgetown

(Source:DPI)   – Guyana, China partner for 2nd Aquaculture Technology Training Course – Participants include farmers and students   Farmers from across Guyana; namely Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9, along with students and other private sectors partners, on Wednesday, began training in Aquaculture Technology. This exercise…

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