GLDA refutes claims by Stabroek News of animal deaths due to flooding -calls on the media to be responsible in reporting issues of such nature

Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority, Nigel Cumberbadge has rubbished claims made by the Stabroek News, that over thirty head of cattle were lost as a rest  of flooding in the Cane Grove, East Coast Demerara area. “There are no cases of animal dead as a result…

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Agri. Minister, Team well received during Farmers Outreach exercise -drainage issues, land allocation and title to land take center stage

Effective drainage is critical for development to take place and cognizant of the fact, the Ministry of Agriculture has embarked on a rigorous farmers outreach exercise programme aimed at addressing some of the ills affecting farmers livelihood. Today, Agriculture Minister, Hon. Noel Holder accompanied by a team of technical officers…

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Value Added and Technological advancement high on agenda -as China’s Ambassador calls on Agri. Minister

Ambassador (Designate) of the People’s Republic of China, His Excellency, Cui Jianchun today paid a courtesy call on Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Noel Holder at his Regent and ShivChanderpaul Drive  Office. Minister Holder in welcoming the Ambassador to Guyana expressed appreciation for the strengthened relations that exist between not only…

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Special Information Weather Bulletin

Continuous precipitation anticipated for the next four days as an upper level trough and the sub-tropical jet affects Guyana. Synopsis: An upper level trough and the Sub-tropical Jet are currently affecting and will continue to affect Guyana during the next few days. Weather conditions are likely to deteriorate as the…

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Ministry of Agriculture Hydrometeorological Centre urges citizens to take precautions against flooding -forecasts heavy rainfall over the next five days

The National Weather Watch Centre, Ministry of Agriculture is advising the public to take precautionary measures against flooding/ water accumulation based on the current forecast outlook from the Hydrometeorological Centre, Guyana. Heavy rainfall is anticipated for Sunday December 25, 2016 to Wednesday December 28, 2016. Coastal and inland Guyana is…

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Special Information Bulletin

Heavy rainfall anticipated for Sunday December 25, 2016 to Wednesday December 28, 2016, with the development of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone. Synopsis: The ITCZ is slowly but steadily developing over Guyana. Please be advised that we are currently monitoring the development of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) which…

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