“Significant assistance” to storm-affected member states hailed-as 71st meeting of COTED opens

The 71st Special Meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) on Agriculture was declared open today, at the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat. In brief opening remarks, Secretary-General of CARICOM, Irwin LaRocque recalled the “unparalleled” destruction caused by recent hurricanes in the Region and paused to recognise the…

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Farm produce Larceny Bill for next Parliament

Farmers are soon to breathe a sigh of relief when government tables a bill in the next parliament to address the issue of Praedial larceny – the loss of farm produce through theft. In an exclusive interview with the Department of Public Information, Agricultural Health and Food Security Specialist of…

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MOA to launch hinterland value-added Agri project – in keeping with Hinterland Diversification programme

The Ministry of Agriculture’s focus for Agriculture month 2017 is ‘Food Security and Hinterland Development: A National Priority’, however, this message will be promoted by the government throughout incoming years to emphasise the need for diversification of local agriculture. The government through the Agri-Ministry is currently engaged in a hinterland…

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“Hinterland Region the next frontier for nation’s agricultural development”- Min. Holder

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo today officially launched Agriculture Month under the theme, “Food Security and Hinterland Development: Our National Priority”, at an Interfaith Ceremony in the Agriculture Ministry compound, Regent Street. Declaring Agriculture month opened, the Prime Minister congratulated the Ministry for initiating a month-long awareness of activities. In relation…

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Major Agricultural Development on the horizon for the Rupununi – as Agri Minister wraps up extensive outreach

With government making positive strides to move Guyana’s agriculture base inland, Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder concluded a three-day outreach to the Rupununi where he visited a number of communities and villages to advise the region on issues faced in agriculture and what the Agriculture Ministry, and by extension Government, has…

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