PTCCB confiscates large quantity of illegal pesticides – smuggling ring thwarted

Inspection and Enforcement Officers of the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board (PTCCB), in collaboration with the Guyana Police Force, on Sunday last thwarted a major smuggling operation and confiscating approximately 300 kilograms of illegal or unregistered pesticides. The operation which took place at approximately 23:00hrs, saw inspectors of the…

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$600M in supplementary funding for NDIA, GuySuCo

(Source-DPI) ─ monies included for sugar workers’ severance ─ many retrenched sugar workers are being employed by NDIA for vital works to help coastland farmers An additional $600M in supplementary funding has been approved to be disbursed between the National Drainage Irrigation Authority (NDIA) and the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo)…

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Holder meets protesting rice farmers

(Source-Guyana Chronicle) …promises to address issues of low prices, poor grading MINISTER of Agriculture Noel Holder, on Monday met with affected rice farmers during a protest at Three Friends, Region Two, Essequibo Coast. Farmers, particularly those who were affected by paddy bug infestations, low prices and bad grading during this…

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Wowetta women commission farine factory

(Source-Guyana Chronicle) THE Wowetta Women’s Agro-processers group has officially dedicated their farine processing factory in the North Rupununi as part of the Agriculture Month 2018 celebrations. The factory project started in 2015 and was funded by the Canadian government with support from the government of Guyana, the Inter-American Institute for…

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