The Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) today officially launched its Hinterland Development Black Giant Poultry Programme. The programme which commenced on February 1, 2017 saw the handing over of one hundred (100) Black Giant chickens along with the requisite start-up feed and other supplies to Mahdia Secondary School in Region 8.
The main objective of the initiative is to assist in making the hinterland regions less reliant on the Coast for their food supplies, more specifically by targeting the hinterland residential schools.

GLDA Officials handing over the Black Giant Chickens to representatives of the Mahdia Secondary School
The Black Giant is a large dual purpose chicken, which has the ability to produce up to two hundred (200) eggs annually and about 4.5 kilogram of meat. These birds has the ability to graze and forage as well as eating leftovers from the kitchen and still produce reasonably well. Given these qualities the bird is well suited to hinterland regions.
The GLDA’S Hinterland Agricultural Programme is a novel initiative which would not only serve to provide assistance in making the hinterland communities self-reliant, but would also assist in ensuring that the Agriculture Science students benefit by being able to use information garnered from the project for their School Based assessment in preparation for the CXC Examination.
In addition, the project is also adaptable as a business venture for small and medium groups interested in the rearing of Black Giant Poultry Birds Initiatives introduced by the Authority.