Conditions of Transit:

Conditions of Transit:     The consignment should be accompanied by a health certificate issued by the Competent Authority of the Country of Export.   No animal should be offloaded from the carrier while the aircraft is on the ground.   All waste materials (including faeces, feed, bedding and pallets)…

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EMBRYOS REQUIREMENTS The embryos extracted from animal(s) must be accompanied by a Health Certificate signed by          the Veterinary Authority of the country of origin certifying that: The country from which the embryos are exported has been free from Foot and Mouth Disease for a period of at least twelve (12)…

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SEMEN REQUIREMENTS The Semen extracted from animal(s) must be accompanied by a Health Certificate signed by the Veterinary Authority of the country of origin certifying that: –   The country from which the Semen are exported has been free from Foot and Mouth Disease for a period of at least…

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