Agriculture exporters association established

EXPORTERS and the Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC) have committed to establish, normalise and sustain a successful exporters’ association in Guyana. Towards this end, the Guyana Non-Traditional Agriculture Exporters Association (GNTAEA), has resuscitated its body with the recent election of new members, which was conducted at the Central Packaging Facility, Sophia…

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New paddy variety to increase yields

After seven years of working on the new paddy variety – “GRDB 15”, the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) has officially released its fifteenth paddy variety. The new type of paddy holds several positive characteristics which could see the rice industry benefiting in a number of ways. As compared to…

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Hydromet boss pleads for stakeholder support

The top weather forecast man at Guyana’s Hydrometeorological Department is calling for closer collaboration between stakeholders to improve the weather forecast services. Chief Hydromet Officer (ag), Dr. Garvin Cummings said that the services that are provided by the Hydrometeorological Department is intended to meet the demands of those in the…

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UG introduces refrigerant management course

The University of Guyana (UG) today launched a refrigerant management and equipment presentation course that teaches new and emerging technologies to replace chemicals that are harmful to the atmosphere. Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) is the name of the chemicals found in refrigeration and air conditioning. It is also very dangerous to the…

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$360M drainage pump commissioned at Lusignan

More than 50,000 residents of the East Coast of Demerara are set to benefit from the commissioning of a newly constructed pump station at Lusignan. The installation, which is valued at more than $360M, includes two mechanical pumps with the capacity to drain approximately 102 gallons of water per minute….

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On-the-spot autopsy performed to determine poultry mortality issues in Region 8 – Region now boast stationed Livestock Officer

A permanent Livestock Extension Officer of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) has been assigned to Region 8 (Pataro-Siparuni) to address the issue of proper animal husbandry. This development comes at a critical juncture in wake of a recent spate of high poultry mortality, which was brought to the attention…

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