Continued training for several GLDA officers

Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA), Nigel Cumberbatch in an exclusive interview with the Department of Public Information (DPI) said the agency has partnered with several agencies to improve the quality of staff at the livestock agency.

GLDA CEO, Nigel Cumberbatch

GLDA CEO, Nigel Cumberbatch

“We presently have started a number of training programs. In particular, to have our Pathology unit at the veterinary diagnostic lab functioning properly. We were fortunate during 2017 to have the services of Dr. Hermon Reid, a Guyanese who is a pathologist, veterinary and human pathologist. He assisted us in getting the unit up and running and conducted numerous training exercises with our staff to ensure that unit is working and is working well,” Cumberbatch explained.

In addition, Cumberbatch says the Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO) has been a valuable partner in realising the training and other development goals of the livestock development agency.

“Support was also given by PAHO/WHO in a number of other areas, our microbiology section, and they also extended a number of training opportunities for our staff in a number of areas,” the CEO said.

The Head of the agency also disclosed that a donation of a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine by University of the West Indies will be a major contributor to its ability to track and identify diseases within the local cattle industry.

“The PCR is the system that mainly utilises the DNA/RNA to assist in the identification of diseases. It will help us enhance our ability to identify any disease situation occurring within the country. I must indicate to you, however, that in Guyana, we have not had any notifiable or serious outbreak of any disease situation within our animal production systems.”

According to Cumberbatch, two technicians of the veterinary diagnostic lab have received training in Trinidad on the use of the PCR which is valued five thousand pounds and is already in use at the agency’s Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara (ECD) location.

The GLDA is the agency which has responsibility for the monitoring and development of the local livestock industry. It offers a wide range of services inclusive of genetic improvement, hatchery, and artificial insemination. Farmers are encouraged to contact the GLDA on telephone number 220-6556 to learn more about the services available.
