GLDA Hatchery allowing farmers to increase their production base – over 408, 000 ducklings produced thus far for 2017

The Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) has thus far produced 408, 000 ducklings for 2017, surpassing the 2016 figure of 400,000 as the authority moves to be the breadbasket for farmers increasing their production base.

Genetic Improvement Specialist of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA), Dr. Robin Austin who was at the time updating Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder spoke of the progress made by the hatchery and the positive results received by farmers.


He added that for last year, the hatchery recorded over 300,000 ducklings and thus far, the institution has surpassed its target while paving the way for farmers to access quality ducklings.

“The work of the GLDA hatchery has increased significantly as it continues to make a significant contribution to the advancement of the industry,” Dr. Austin said.

The GLDA Hatchery Department has been facilitating farmers in the use of the facility at a cost of $100 per egg or based on the number of successful hatching.

Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder, while touring the facility spoke of his satisfaction with the work done by GLDA, in ensuring that the authority becomes independent and generate an income.

He added that thus far, the duckling production has experienced positive growth of more than 90 percent and encouraged the Management of the Authority to continue to strive for higher.

“Many farmers, primarily single parents from all past of the country utilise the services of the GLDA Hatchery hence, the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure that we maintain a high level of service,” the Minister said.

The eggs are collected from farmers then fumigated, after which they undergo the process to become ducklings.

Hatchery Manager designate, Dr. Mariel Savory stated that the GLDA does not only provide the hatchery services, but make use of its extension officers who ensure that farmers practice proper husbandry, and maintain a ratio of hens to drakes which are also a contributory factor to the fertility.

“It is important for us to sensitise farmers on issues such as these, if there are to be an increase in their production and productivity…since we have introduced these services to farmers we (GLDA) have seen a significant increase in the number of new farmers’ as well as production,” Dr. Savory said.

The GLDA Hatchery produces approximately 8500 ducklings on a hatching day. Of the amount 600 are from farmers’ while the remaining eggs are from the GLDA.

The Authority also retails ducking to the public at a subsidised cost of $250 with a waiting period of two weeks.

Annually the GLDA Hatchery records an increase in production during the January-April period.  It is estimated that the ducklings produced at the hatchery yield over one million pounds of duck meat per year.

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