−To provide new opportunities for farmers
A new brand called ‘Caribe Snackz’ launched on Friday at the Guyana Manufacturing Corporation (GMC) Agro-processing Facility at Parika, Region Three, offering a range of tasty and healthy snacks, including the popular plantain chips.
Speaking at the simple ceremony, Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha emphasised that the initiative will have a significant impact on the community by creating job opportunities and promoting economic growth.
Importantly, he noted the launch will provide new opportunities for farmers who are involved in the production of plantains and ground provisions.

With the introduction of five new products to the local market, Minister Mustapha said the new development marks a significant milestone in the agro-processing industry, which has the potential to expand into regional and international markets.
“This occasion provides opportunities for us to reduce our food import bill and increase local production and promote exportation of our produce,” he underscored.
The agriculture minister noted that the agro-processing industry in Guyana is rapidly expanding with government support and promotion of investments in the sector.
He highlighted that this industry not only provides agricultural products but also plays a critical role in generating employment opportunities and improving food security.
“The support to the farmers is there, the necessary infrastructure has been created. We are making production and producing these products more efficient, ensuring that farmers have the necessary facility to produce. That’s the role the government has been playing,” Minister Mustapha pointed out.
He reported that by the end of 2023, some 13 agro-processing facilities will be established across the country, including in Aranaputa and St Ignatius, Region Nine, White Water, Region One, Charity, Region Two, and Black Bush Polder, Region Six.
These initiatives are part of a broader objective to revitalise agriculture in Guyana, and reduce the region’s food import bill by 25 per cent by 2025.
Chief Executive Officer of Caribe Snackz, Chief Samsair said the new line will offer five different varieties of plantain and cassava chips with plans to expand in the future.
Caribe Snackz will supply both domestic and regional markets, with plans to expand into North America and Europe.
The company currently employs 25 direct employees, and this number is expected to increase as the company grows. In addition, the company utilises the services of another 100 plus people.
Samsair stated that the company is also committed to supporting local farmers, and views the launch of as an opportunity to collaborate with the government to position Guyana as a leading producer and exporter of agricultural products.
Chief Investment Officer and Head of Guyana Invest, Dr. Peter Ramsaroop and Chairman of the Private Sector Commission, Paul Cheong were among those in attendance at the event.