Overseas consultants to aid GLDA’s feeding programme

The Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) efforts to improve its breeding and feeding practices, at the Ebini Station, will soon be boosted with the help of overseas consultants.

Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority, Nigel Cumberbatch told the Department of Public Information (DPI) that first batch of consultants is expected in June. This group will examine the grazing grounds/pastures, feeding programme and feeding systems at the Ebini Station.



Large and small ruminant at GLDA’s Mon Repos station

Cumberbatch said the exercise is a continuation of activities that were begun in 2017. “During this year there are a number of plans to continue our pasture development activities. We are also looking at improving some of the production characteristics of the animals by looking at the feeding systems. There are some better grasses, better forage species which will give us better results and those are going to be introduced into the Ebini Station. We have introduced some and we are going to be introducing some others later on in the year.”

In addition, the CEO said the consultant services are being provided with help from the Agriculture Sector Diversification Programme (ASDU). He looks forward to the introduction of higher yielding and better grass and forage material.

“We requested consultants from Brazil where you can find savannahs similar to ours. We have also requested consultants from the United States and we are in fact looking also at the acquisition of consultant services from Costa Rica, Center for Tropical Agricultural Research and Education (CATIE) which works with tropical conditions,” the CEO added.

The GLDA is responsible for the research and development of the local livestock industry. Its main task is to provide support and guidance to stakeholders in the industry.
