Category: Press Release
NAREI to speed-up mangroves’ regeneration at Better Hope to Sparendaam

The Better Hope to Sparendaam sea shore has seen an increase of natural mangrove regeneration. This was discovered through the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute’s (NAREI) monitoring of the plants. NAREI will now be planting seedlings in this area to support and speed up the mangrove re-development process. Kean…
Faulty Hope canal bridge result of politicking, poor design – Minister Holder

The problems associated with the shifting Hope Canal Bridge located at Hope on the East Coast of Demerara are a result of poor design and not the failure of the contractor, Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder said. The minister stated that records show that DIPCON Engineering Company, the contractor of…
Gov’t inherited substandard work – previous NDIA Board ignored contractors reservation on design of Hope Canal bridge

Actions by the previous National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) Board of Directors remains detrimental, as now the Ministry of Agriculture is forced to make additional financial inputs into to Hope Canal Bridge to rectify substandard works. DIPCON Engineering company which was responsible for the construction of the bridge, expressed…
GuySuCo Responds to Newspaper Article on LBI Workers Picket

The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) wishes to respond to the article published in the Guyana Chronicle newspapers dated August 4, 2016 titled: “LBI workers picket GuySuCo over transfer to Enmore”. Firstly, the Corporation wishes to state that its current financial circumstances has made it imperative to review and revise the…
GuySuCo Clarifies Matter on Water Access to Crabwood Creek Farmers

The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) wishes to Respond to the article published in the Guyana Times newspapers dated August 4, 2016 titled: GuySuCo threatens to cut water supply to 700 Crabwood Creek Farmers’. In 2012, the Skeldon Estate management granted permission to the Crabwood Creek Water Users’ Association to install…
GLDA confiscates dogs which entered Guyana illegally -calls on Guyanese to be responsible to avoid spread of disease

Officials at the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) last evening confiscated several dogs which entered Guyana illegally, breaching the authority’s quarantine regulations. Such an act remains a serious one, as it can pose grave health threats to the nation at large; as some animals are often exposed to diseases which…
Agriculture Ministry ramps up efforts to increase land rates at MMA/ADA

The Ministry of Agriculture is intensifying efforts to increase land rates, and to recoup billions of dollars outstanding for land rates and irrigation fees owed to the Mahaica, Mahaicony Abary Agriculture Development Authority (MMA/ADA). Information emanating from the Ministry of Agriculture indicates that a white paper seeking Cabinet’s approval to…