Orealla/Siparuta gets extension officer

– villages included in 2021 Black Giant programme Following a recent outreach to the villages of Orealla and Siparuta, located in the Corentyne River, Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha disclosed that an extension officer has been identified and will commence working soon. “After we met with residents and they indicated that…

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“Development will not pass you” Agri. Minister tells Leguan farmers

 – island to benefit from a number of D&I projects after farmers complain about defects in several drainage structures During a recent outreach to communities in the Essequibo Islands-West Demerara Region, Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha reaffirmed Government’s commitment to ensuring there is development across the country. While addressing farmers at…

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Critical D&I works for Hogg Island

Agri. Minister commits to carrying out needs assessment of works to be done fertilizers, access to seeds and other planting material to be made more accessible to farmers Farmers from Hogg Island, Essequibo Islands-West Demerara, will soon benefit from a number of drainage and irrigation works after years of neglect…

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