Category: NEWS
CRFM Secretariat Vacancy.
April 18, 2016 Hydrometeorological Service Seasonal Outlook/El Nino Advisory # 6 El Niño Advisory */ La Niña Watch ** A transition to ENSO-neutral conditions is likely during late Northern Hemisphere spring or early summer 2016 (between mid-May and mid-July), with an increasing chance of La Niña during the second half…
FAO country rep lauds Guyana’s efforts to stop illegal fishing
Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO), Representative, Reuben Robertson today congratulated Guyana for being the 23rd country to sign on to the Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA) to tackle illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Robertson said, “Indeed for a developing country such as Guyana to make such a bold step is…
NAREI working to eliminate red palm mite
To all Employees of Guysuco.
GUYSUCO disappointed at Unions’ contradictory position
Georgetown, April 14, 2016 – The Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc. (GuySuCo) hereby wishes to clarify the statements made in a joint Press Release by the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) and the National Association of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE), titled ‘GuySuCo to close LBI operations’. On…