Agriculture- A thriving industry in Region Nine -Agri. Ministry wraps up successful outreach

A seven vehicle convoy lead by Agriculture Minister Hon. Noel Holder wrapped up a successful 4 day outreach to Region Nine and its sub-districts to look at the regions agricultural potential and the progress of projects implemented by the Agriculture Ministry. In Government’s quest to diversify its agricultural production, major…

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$3M ATV handed to staff at Shulinab

The national Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) capacity in Region 9 has been boosted with the handing over of an All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) on Friday last. During an outreach exercise in the Region, Chief Executive Officer, NAREI, Dr. Oudho Homenauth used the opportunity to hand over the vehicle…

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Enforcement Exercises in the Fishing Sector

The Ministry of Agriculture had requested and received assistance for support to conduct Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) activities within Guyana’s marine fisheries sector to ensure that operators of all categories of fishing vessels are in compliance with the laws and regulations governing the sector. These activities will be supported…

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