Region 3 farmers receiving payments after GRDB’S investigation

Rice farmers in Wakenaam, Region Three will be paid all of the outstanding monies owed to them by Friday July 21.

This was revealed by the General Manager Acting, of the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB), Allison Peters who also told the Department of Public Information (DPI) that they will continue to monitor the repayment to the farmers, until the matter is resolved.

Farmers in the Essequibo island were encountering difficulties receiving payments from millers for their paddy, produced for the crop that ended in April. The farmers made the claims in a daily newspaper titled ‘Wakenaam rice farmers’ woes’ two weeks ago.

Peters told the DPI that, following investigations the GRDB contacted the miller, Wazim Hoosein of Jaichand, Essequibo and payments started last Friday July 14.  She said that Hoosein assured GRDB that all payments would be completed by Friday July 21.

The GRBD started the investigation into the farmers claims last Thursday. The Board sent a team, to investigate the matter at length, it was then that Hoosein was contacted and agreed to pay all the farmers within a week.
