Seed paddy to be harvested in September at Wales

Approximately 7000-8000 bags of seed paddy are set to be harvested at the Wales Estate in September. More specifically, the Public Relations Unit of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) said that 200 acres are under cultivation. Harvesting is expected to begin by the second week in September.

The lands at Wales which were previously used for sugar cane cultivation had been transformed into rice fields to accommodate the process of diversification of the industry. Among other things, rice has been determined as one of the feasible avenues of diversification.

The GRDB 10 variety of seed paddy is currently under cultivation while the GRDB 13 Aromatic rice is being considered as another variety to be cultivated at that location. The next crop to go under cultivation will see the beginning of the planting phase in November 2017.

The Corporation’s website is procuring for harvesting works to be done. Bids are being invited from eligible and qualified bidders for the harvesting of seed paddy. The fields where the paddy is to be harvested is located at Catherina Fields 11 to 16 (56.8 acres), and Vive La Force A Fields 1 East to 8 West (142.9 acres).

GuySuCo’s PR unit further noted that when harvested, the rice will be sold to the Guyana Rice Development Board. GuySuCo’s interest in rice is as a component of an integrated commercial aquaculture production and processing project.  Therefore seed paddy cultivation is a part of the diversification programme and is a preparatory measure to support the aquaculture project.
