Hydromet office predicts May-July rains to be above normal

The Hydrometeorological Service of the Ministry of Agriculture has predicted that there will be wet as usual to above normal rainfall conditions over most of Guyana for the months May to July 2022. The highest rainfall totals and the possibility of flash floods during this season is expected to peak in May and June.

According to the seasonal forecast issued, rainfall amounts, and frequency are expected to increase as the season progresses.

It was noted that as the season progresses, water levels in the conservancies, reservoirs and rivers across all Regions are likely to increase. The potential of flooding because of rain during this period is also expected to increase throughout May and June 2022.

The highest amount of rainfall can be expected in Regions 3, 7, 8 and 10. However, all other Regions can still expect higher than normal rainfall values.

The temperature outlook suggests that except for some areas in Regions 1 and 10, all other areas can expect cool as usual to cooler (below-normal) night-time temperatures. Warmer than usual (above-normal) day-time temperatures can be expected in northern Regions while cooler than usual in the south.

The bulletin also noted that an increasing number of wet days and wet spells coupled with high tides could  lead  to  water  accumulation  in  Coastal Regions  and  disruption  to  transport and possibility of landslides in hinterland areas. Flooding can lead to loss of crops and livestock, contamination of surface water, breeding grounds for mosquitos and the proliferation of waterborne diseases.

The Hydrometeorological Service has recommended  the  continued  maintenance of drainage infrastructure as the country transitions into the wet season and has urged farmers to take all necessary precautions to secure their crops and livestock.

The Hydrometeorological Service will provide updates to its seasonal forecast as new information becomes available and recommends that special attention be paid to short-range forecasts provided to plan daily farm activities.

For short-range forecasts and weather analyses, stakeholders are advised to follow the daily weather briefs, outlooks and advisories produced by the National Weather Watch Centre or visit www.hydromet.gov.gy. The forecast desk could also be reached at 261-2284 or 261-2216.
