All 22 local authority areas in Reg. 6 now equipped with mini excavators tomaintain community drains – Min. Mustapha

On Saturday, Agriculture Minister Hon. Zulfikar Mustapha handed over eight mini excavators to various Neighborhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) in Region Six (East Berbice – Corentyne).

Over the past few weeks, several NDCs across the country have benefited from similar initiatives as part of the government’s efforts to empower local authority areas with the necessary equipment to function effectively.

Agriculture Minister, Hon. Zulfikar Mustapha

While at Talorgie on the Corentyne Coast, Minister Mustapha disclosed that all 22 local authority areas in the region were now equipped with mini excavators to assist with maintaining the internal drainage systems across the region.

He stated that while the government would continue to undertake major drainage works across the country, it had also committed to ensuring that NDCs and municipalities had the resources to function in their various capacities.

“His Excellency, President Dr. Irfaan Ali, gave us a mandate to ensure all of the NDCs and municipalities in the country are equipped to better function. We’ve already distributed excavators to NDCs in Regions Three, Four, and Five, and today, we are here to complete this region. Today, all 22 local authority areas in Region Six each have a mini excavator to assist with maintaining internal drainage channels. We are working to equip all of the local authority bodies with the necessary equipment so that they can carry out their responsibilities. The central government has its functions, while the local authorities have their functions. While, over the years, subventions to these local authority bodies have increased tremendously, the government is still working to ensure they have the necessary resources to function in their various capacities,” Minister Mustapha said.

A scetion of the gathering

Minister Mustapha said that the eight excavators represent an investment of approximately $112 million. He noted that while the machines will be used in the residential areas, farmers will also benefit.

“The work these machines will do will help to improve drainage in the communities and forms part of the government’s broader efforts to improve drainage and irrigation in this country. We are creating a comprehensive drainage and irrigation system in the country. We understand how important proper drainage and irrigation are to this sector. We’ve been working with the farmers in every area, so when we give out these machines, it will not only serve the drainage system in the communities because the cultivation water also has to pass through the residential areas. When you have an effective drainage system, it will help both the residential and the cultivation area,” Minister Mustapha explained.  

Minister Zulfikar Mustapha while handing over keys for the excavators to the Regional Executive Officer for Region Six

While expounding on the government’s plan to develop a comprehensive drainage system, Minister Mustapha told residents that the Ministry of Agriculture, through the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), has a critical role to play when it comes to providing drainage and irrigation in both cultivation and residential communities. 

The excavators that were handed over to the NDCs in Region Six

“At the Ministry of Agriculture, we are not only focusing on the agricultural aspect of development in the country. When we have dry weather or a heavy rainy period, the Ministry of Agriculture, through the NDIA, plays an important role. When farmers don’t have water, we have to put systems in place to provide irrigation. Similarly, when communities are experiencing flooding, we have to provide drainage. This is why the government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, is working to develop a comprehensive drainage system across the country. This is why we are constructing high-level Hope-like canals in Regions Three, Five, and Six,” he explained.

Minister Mustapha said the ministry’s National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) will cover all operational costs associated with the machines. NDCs were also encouraged to engage in community consultation to develop a work plan to guide the operation of the machine.
