Agriculture Minister Noel Holder while delivering the feature address at GuySuCo’s Honour Roll Award Ceremony

Minister Holder handing over awards to awardees of GuySuCo Honour Roll for their performance in 2015.

Minister Holder handing over awards to awardees of GuySuCo Honour Roll for their performance in 2015.

Minister Holder handing over awards to awardees of GuySuCo Honour Roll for their performance in 2015.

Minister Holder handing over awards to awardees of GuySuCo Honour Roll for their performance in 2015.

Minister Holder handing over awards to awardees of GuySuCo Honour Roll for their performance in 2015.

Minister Holder handing over awards to awardees of GuySuCo Honour Roll for their performance in 2015.

Minister Holder handing over awards to awardees of GuySuCo Honour Roll for their performance in 2015.

Minister Holder handing over awards to awardees of GuySuCo Honour Roll for their performance in 2015.

Minister Holder handing over awards to awardees of GuySuCo Honour Roll for their performance in 2015.